Ozzy Road

City Vision in Derby – Came into being during the move of the Holy Spirt in the mid 90’s when a group of leaders building on the foundations of unity that had been laid over many years in the city began to strengthen their relationships in prayer and evangelism. Ozzy Road was part of this move and over the last 9 years there has been much blessing brought to the Church and the city through this expression of unity. The vision is “To see one Church proclaiming and demonstrating the kingdom of God throughout Derby”. The outworking of this is based around three key principles :-

1. Relational unity – not an organisation but a network of churches committed to each others good.
2. Authority of Scripture – recognising the Bible as the inspired word of God whilst respecting one another’s approach to interpretation within the boundaries of the historic Christian faith.

3. Reliance on the Holy Spirit – Looking for his dynamic work to release gifts and fruit in our different congregations.
On the 23rd January 2005 City Vision hosted a joint meeting of various Derby churches at The Assembly Rooms in Derby Market Place. All the churches involved cancelled their own morning meeting to support the meeting. The event catered for all age ranges, with a mainstream meeting in the Great Hall, whilst Derby Kids For Christ ran a children’s meeting and Crèche in the adjacent Darwin Suite.