family groups

Ozzy Road

What are Family Groups?
Along with Sunday meetings., family groups play a vital role in determining what it means to be part of Ozzy Road. We would hope that all people who consider themselves to be part of Ozzy Road would want be involved in a family group.

Why call them “Family” rather than house or cell or home or study groups?
We adopted the name family groups in 1999 when God spoke to the church through Psalm 68:6 which says “God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing”. At that time there were an increasing number of people coming into the church who needed a strong spiritual family who would stand with them in their joys and their sufferings. Families consist of people of different ages and maturity, they are places where we can’t hide from reality, they can cope with new birth and death and they are a living changing group with deep relationships. As these groups have become established over the last five years, we have seen some of this vibrancy and change, many have found for the first time a family that loves them.

What happens in Family Groups?
Different groups within the church are encouraged to develop their own identity within the overall vision of the church, so one groups’ expression and program may look and feel quite different to another’s. ‘One size fits all’ does not work with families. Most groups meet in homes, but we have a group that meets at an afternoon group that meets at the church building, another group meets in a local Community Room (Trocadero Court) and yet another in a pub! Depending on the groups’ focus a Family Group meeting could consist of any of the following…. Worship, Bible study, Evangelistic outreach, prayer meeting, prayer walking, a meal together, communion, praying for each other, a party, a evening out bowling or a pub quiz. The most important aspect of Family Groups is relationship building and spending time together!

A Family Family groups are where most of the pastoral care of the church takes place. The group leaders take this responsibility in relationship with the elders.

Stuart Hinks oversees the family groups on behalf of the eldership, though as with most areas of church life all the elders have some input.